Back to School 2023!

August 21, 2023
Back to School 2023!

Summer is coming to a close super fast! Before you know it, our littles will go to school for the first time or going back to school. With going to school, it could bring a lot of changes: teachers, classrooms, friends, and could be an exciting time or super stressful. Listed below are some tips to ease the transition into these new situations!

  1. Talk to your child frequently about what to expect- could reduce your child's anxiety
  2. Cross days off on the calendar- either before school starts or after
  3. Tour the school of choice
  4. Creating a daily schedule- This could be helpful for morning routines or at school!
  5. For sensory input, make sure your child has their favorite sensory item available!
  6. For parents, try to relax during this time. Children observe our body language and emotions. If you show calmness, it could decrease your child's anxiety!

Hopefully, these tips can help your family during the 2023-2024 school year! Have a great year!