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Two Stars of CBF! Marilyn & Carina

September 26, 2022
Two Stars of CBF! Marilyn & Carina

Congratulations to our August star of the month, our HR coordinator, Marilyn! Marilyn has taken on many extra duties since Elia has gone on maternity leave and has handled the transition with ease. Outside of work, Marilyn enjoys spending time with her animals (6 cats and dog), she enjoys taking road trips with her dogs, kayaking with her cats, hiking through mountains, and taco Tuesdays. Marilyn enjoys working and supporting the staff at CBF every day! We are so lucky to have such a fun and supportive HR coordinator. 

Our September star of the month is behavior tech Carina! Carina joined our team this past May and has excelled in working with a variety of clients, making all of her sessions fun, and rocks at naturalistic teaching! She is studying psychology at Wayne State University and plans on continuting on to become a BCBA in the future. Carina has a Norwegian Elkhound named Josie and a cat named Pico de Gatto. Her favorite things to do are garden, embroidery, traveling, and spending time outdoors. She loves being able to watch all the amazing progress the clients make due to all the dedicated staff members working on their teams! We are grateful for all of Carina's hard work!