Ideas for Winter Activities!
February 17, 2022
It is that time of year again when it’s still cold outside and we are looking for things to do. Here are some ideas of winter-themed activities — both for the indoors and outdoors that are fun for people of all ages!
Outdoor Activities
- Snow Maze — create a fun pattern in the snow by stepping in a path. Then have kids walk or run around it, you can make it easy or difficult!
- Paint Snow — use water-based paint to create some beautiful winter creations in your yard
- Tic Tac Toe in the Snow — use sticks to create a tic-tac-toe board and have fun with the whole family
Indoor Activities
- Make a winter sensory bottle — just add water, sparkles, or items of your choice to an empty bottle & then decorate the outside!
- Create FAKE snow — if you mix shaving cream & baking soda together to reach a moldable texture, kids can enjoy this sensory feeling without the cold
- Make (and EAT) snow ice cream — a tasty treat that just requires clean snow, vanilla, and condensed milk! Fun to make and enjoy (recipe at link below)
Read more about these activities & how to set them up here. We hope you have lots of wintery fun!