Our Dads Rule!

June 13, 2019
Our Dads Rule!

Coach Jim Valvano famously said “My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.” Most parents understand just how important that is to kids. Believing in your kids is more than just encouraging them when it’s easy, it means encouraging them when things are HARD. Letting them know you stand with them no matter what life brings. This is tricky because, as most of us know, life can throw some pretty serious curve balls. Kids, young and old, succeed more when they know they have a soft place to fall when life becomes overwhelming.

Here at Creating Brighter Futures we have a SOLID group of amazing Fathers. We have Dads, Stepdads and Granddads. They pick up, drop off, make lunches and go on late night diaper runs; they are human jungle gyms, they come to parent meetings and they hug tightly their wives, children and people who love their kids. CBF Dad’s are some of the most loving men we have had the pleasure of knowing. We thank you on this Father’s Day and want you to know that we believe in YOU! Gifts are going home today and tomorrow so check those backpacks!